Free Inquiry: Getting Started

For my Free Inquiry project I have chosen to delve into the world of knitting. I’ve learned and relearned how to knit various times throughout my life, but I’ve always found that I’ve hit roadblocks that cause me to put the hobby away for years at a time. I’m hoping that by following a more structured and intentional learning plan, I can find a way to push past some of the frustrations I’ve encountered in my learning process. To guide my inquiry, I am using a resource from the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry.

To start, I thought of some questions I had that relate to obstacles I’ve encountered in the past:

  • How does using circular needles differ from using straight ones?
  • What is the best way to utilize stitch markers?
  • What are some useful resources to learn specific stitches?
  • Are different methods of blocking better for different projects?

From here, I want to deepen my inquiry. This week I plan to look into finding some answers for the above question and design a project that will allow me to corroborate the answers I find through my own execution of a knitting project.

Photo by Anastasia Zhenina on Unsplash